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Writer's pictureJohn Drew

In the voting for this years Pandemic Popularity Dance-off…

We came up against some pretty stiff competition from the likes of The Black Death, Cholera, Spanish Flu & COVID (amongst others). But we Won!!

“The Pandemic of Higher Consciousness” is officially..

The World’s Favourite Pandemic!”

Welcome to our Joyous Pandemic (your Pandemic of Choice!)

(For which there is known known cure). The Pandemic of Higher Consciousness is highly contagious!

The symptoms to watch for:

Symptoms include excessive happiness, along with a sense of bliss, gratitude, love, fearlessness, liberation and a joyous uninhibited freedom of expression.

Watch out for a burning sensation:

Rather than self-isolating to contain the outbreak, you will feel a burning desire to spread this pandemic far and wide.

Facemask recommended:

A facemask is recommended to hide that big, stupid grin of serenity and contentment permanently attached to your face!

The source of the Pandemic:

Government Agencies have revealed that the source of the outbreak has been tracked to a series of Energy-Body related videos created by Elevated Planet..

LiCo (Lighted Consciousness) brings you Soul Architecture

Part Two: The Astral Body

Soul Architecture: What does it all mean?

On behalf of us mortals who have not been brought up with an understanding of different aspects of our spiritual & energetic bodies, the terms used during guided meditations and the likes can be confusing. So I asked our CSO (Chief Spiritual Officer) Jole’ Gabrielle (below), if we could cover off some fundamentals to make it clear as to what it all means, what we are trying to achieve and why?

I have to say I loved the flow of this conversation and I’m convinced it will really help us “left brainers” accept these principals.

Different aspects have been covered in a series of short video’s, to ensure this "‘Spiritual Elephant” can be easily digested in bite sized portions (although eating Elephants is typically discouraged of course :-)

In Part Two, We focus on “The Astral Body” and how this important element can help us to eliminate toxic emotions that get trapped in our bodies. I truly hope you enjoy this series…

John Drew, @Elevated Planet ​


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